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Sunday, 26 August 2012

?Speed the Peak!

Tomo carrying the kit (Stanage, North Lees Estate)
kit all ready to go - just need the right 'jump' site!
moving on...trying to find the right 'jump' site...

Monday, 20 August 2012


A big thank-you to Em & Duncan for organising and making happen Thurstonfest!  We had a fab time, loved it all, and just simply didn't get enough of chance to catch up properly with everyone!!!

Massive thanks also out to Captain Ali, as she was a star and made the waterfest happen in fantastic style (Sam hasn't stopped gassing on about it!)...

Lots of squidgies to all and great to see Becky&Rich&Charlotte Ben&Isobel :) :) :)

looking back @ Thurston OEC

lakeside...Coniston lake


Bethany & Sophie

Em,Bethany,Katie, Duncan

the boyz relaxing

thats my bouy
ready to go 'rowing'

Charlotte & Becky
Duncan & Katie

Isobel, Ben, Sam, Doph