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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Christmas in Edinburgh...

Sammy Potter...

Ganny & the kids

Ganny the kids (II)

remind you of anyone???


rare photo of the two of us...

rare photo (II)

Monday, 12 December 2011

Thursday, 8 December 2011

The tooth fairy has swung by again......with another following suit (!)

I think Sam may of regretted asking daddy to pull out his very wobbly tooth - to only be left feeling slightly numbed by the shock of having a gap in his gum.........he hasn't asked me to pull the other wobbly tooth out yet!

ps...a big thankyou to Alice for sorting the kids out this morning.........they had a great time with the girl they love the best (apart from mummy :) base lovingly eaten by kids - made by Alice!

Friday, 2 December 2011

karen darke

Well its taken a wee while, but its all come together, and we now have an event with karen darke coming along to give us a wee talk on her life so far.  Check her site out and see what you think...